Increasing education opportunities on sustainable development for protected area managers in Romania
Increasing education opportunities on sustainable development for protected area managers in Romania
The overall goal is to develop, implement and promote innovative mechanisms/tools and approaches to increase information and knowledge transfer to protected area professionals on nature conservation management and its importance and integration into sustainable development processes.
Objective 1
- to improve the level of understanding of protected area professionals on the role of protected areas, including Natura 2000 sites, in sustainable development by combining on-line lessons with face-to-face sessions organised according to the national occupational standards developed by ProPark for the “Protected Areas Specialist” occupation.
- Adapt the curricula and programme for the Protected Area Specialist occupation to allow for a combination of on-line lessons and face-to-face sessions
- Develop full training materials on 8 topics
- Develop materials for 14 on-line lessons
- Organise and provide training sessions
- Improve on-line training materials
Objective 2
- to increase the capacity of ProPark to offer innovative and alternative learning and competence evaluation tools for PA professionals using modern electronic information systems
- Organise Train of Trainer session for on-line lessons
- Develop the design for the on-line materials and the evaluation system for the on-line lessons
- Develop and maintain the web platform for the on-line lessons
The project is in partnership with EUROPARC Federation and its funded by German Federal Foundation Environment with 102.758 euro, the partners contribution is 106.627 euro.